Saturday, February 2, 2008

High winds and cold temperatures.

Now that we are in the coldest of the Illinois winter with some pretty high winds like we all know and love here, the turbine is stalling. We did have someone already install a new soft ware to make the skystream not stall at 32 degrees F. Now it stalls at 19. We contacted Southwest wind and they are working on the problem and will let us know when a new software/hardware solution has been made. We are not looking forward to bringing the turbine down and may get a bucket truck to do the install.


Mark said...

I'm having lots of problems with my Skystream here in Iowa too. Do you have problems getting a hold of tech support too?

sicudrew said...

We have called SouthWest wind energy with any problems and they keep us abreast of all the research and changes. We just got a new inverter and computer card to install in the wind turbine.

mark in mahomet said...

It's been awhile since i talked to you on the phone. We finaly got our turbine back up and running yesterday. I hope this fixes the problems.

pike37 said...

I really like your blog, I notice its been awhile since you have posted anything new. What has been your experience with the utility companies? How has the system performed?

DanS said...

I really appreciate this website. It's important to provide customers the opportunity to publish the real life facts about Skystream 3.7, rather than company sales hype.

The company's literature seems to suggest that $4,000 is available in the way of a federal tax credit. But the way I read the reg, it's $500 per 500 rated-watts up to $4,000. So the Skystream (being 1.8kW unit) is only eligible for $1,800, not $4,000.
